Dugdh Divas: A Tribute to Dairy Farmers and Milk

Celebrating Dugdh Divas: A Tribute to Dairy Farmers and Milk

Every year on June 1st, we celebrate Dugdh Divas, or World Milk Day, to honor the contributions of dairy farmers and the importance of milk in our daily lives. Initiated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, this day shines a spotlight on the nutritional benefits of milk and dairy products.

Dugdh Divas provides an opportunity to recognize the hard work of dairy farmers who ensure a steady supply of milk, an essential source of calcium, vitamins, and proteins. It’s a day to appreciate how milk supports the livelihood of millions and promotes good health globally.

Join us in raising a glass of milk to celebrate Dugdh Divas and the vital role of dairy in our diet and economy! 🥛🌍 #DugdhDivas #WorldMilkDay #DairyFarming #NutritionMatters


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